Locust St.
According to the label this house is located on Locust St. It is unknown if that is North or South Locust.
The above image shows Arthur Jenkins' store on South Locust St. Jenkins was born in 1876 in Kentucky and moved to Ripley County Missouri about 1888 where he was raised. He opened a store first in Poplar Bluff and then moved to Dexter just before the turn of the century. The building still stands today. Jenkins began to have serious health problems around 1930. His health caused him much pain and forced him to be hospitalized off and on for three years. In 1933, unable to deal with further physical and mental pain, he committed suicide by cutting himself eleven times with a straight razor. While not expected, his death wasn't a complete surprise to those who knew him and his mental struggles. He was considered to be a successful and well liked businessman in the community (The Dexter Messenger, January 19, 1933). He was buried in Dexter Cemetery.